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The future is now.

When fragrances are designed differently – with people and the planet in mind.

The New Natural Fragrance Initiative by Sensegen™

Sensegen, a division of Blue California, is fueled by Conagen, our innovative partner.

All of our creators: perfumers, technicians, various scientists, and marketing, work together to make the New Naturals possible.

The New Natural Fragrances yield benefits of both essential oils and synthetics; yet, are a new plant-derived technology harnessing biotech. These scent solutions are high-performing and can be used in multiple applications.

Biotech enables us to formulate more sustainably. Our unique creations are designed with availability in mind. To solve for the future: what our planet needs and what consumers value.

flowers natural Sensegen

The initiative is to bring to life the New Naturals and gather collaboratively as an industry – businesses and minds alike. To push for transparency in fragrance labeling, and educate the public on their options – to make better-informed decisions. Sensegen has been working on a series of online surveys and live panels for both qualitative and quantitative results on the New Naturals.

Smell. Top purchasing factor.

As well as cost and natural and sustainable ingredients.

In our 1st smelling survey – shampoos: • Top tier samples were described as “clean, fresh, fruity, and sweet.” • Favorite scents of surveyors were correlated with these top-rated emotions: “Positive, active, high-energy” • Users want to be happy, refreshed, and feel good • Attributions associated with top performing samples include cost and natural and sustainable ingredients. Sensegen’s fragrance creators focus on ISO 9235 Certified formulations.


From our volume 1 online survey, introducing the concept of New Natural Fragrances to 1,000 consumers. An opinion left from a participating surveyor: "Because after learning about the natural fragrance and how it's better for our environment and how it's got to be better for our bodies and hair, I would definitely start watching out for it and reading labels more often."


Learn about Sensegen

This project is in collaboration with our Sensory and Consumer insights team from Blue California.

Contact us below!